The lawyer's commandaments
- STUDY. Law is in constant transformation. If you do not follow its steps every day, every day you will be less a Lawyer.
- THINK. Law is learnt by means of studying, but is exercised by means of thinking.
- WORK. Advocacy is an arduous fatigue to the service of Justice.
- FIGHT. You must fight for the Law; but in that day when Law and Justice come to conflict, fight for Justice.
- BE LOYAL. Loyal to your client, whom you mustn't abandon until you learn he is unworthy of you. Loyal to the judge, whom ignores the facts and must trust your word; and, in regard with the Law, he must, sometimes, trust the one you invoke.
- TOLERATE. Tolerate the other's truth as much as you want your truth to be tolerated.
- BE PATIENT. Time takes revenge from those things that are made without its collaboration.
- HAVE FAITH. Have faith in Law, as the best instrument in order for human beings to live together; in Justice as the normal destiny of Law; in Peace, as a good-natured substitute for Justice; and, above all, have faith in Liberty, without which there is no Law, nor Justice, nor Peace.
- FORGET. Advocacy is a fight amongst passions. If in every battle you were to fill your soul with rancor, there will come a day in which your life will be impossible for you. Once combat is over, forget your victory as soon as your defeat.
- LOVE YOUR PROFESSION. Try to consider advocacy in such a way that, at the time your son asks your advice regarding his future, you consider it an honor to advise him to be a Lawyer.